- £1.30
- 16 - 40
- high street fashion
- website and app
- recent technology used
- weekly circulation 539,991
- published 1979
- young teenagers
- 7-19 years old
- readership - 46, 233 a lower compared to other magazines
- advertising online (footballing sites)
- ABC1 25-44 women
- under 25's to cynical
- circulation - 46,580
- readership 121,108
- very social
- spiritualism, books can be bought
- the biggest british film magazine
- Bauer
- published by emap but then stole Bauer
- competitor total film
- Australia russia
- ABC1 16 - 64
- in-depth reviews, competition, sponsors, Microsoft, sony
- adverts in back pages and front
- 25 + year old music buyer
- male and female
- monthly publish
- appeals to everyone
- interviews
- promote books and CD's
- 77,000 - 64, 000 went down (readership)
- TV, radio, website. magazine
- 40 out 166 pages are adverts
Car magazine
- aimed at car lovers
- readership- 18.5% female-81.5% male
- 15-55
- abc1+2
- advice on maintaining and repairing cars
- covers major car manufactures and models
- technology- website. facebook+twitter+newsletter
- logo, cover star/story, features
- main personality (celebrity) gain interest
- 18-34 women C-B
- new, talking points, style ideas.
- adverts, clothing make-up and perfume
- 50 pages of beauty every month
- 42 mins per week reading
- twitter Facebook, instagram, tumblr, youtube
- technology 18-34 year old women
- circulation 106, 065
- newsletter and updates
- launched 1999
- mobile apps, twitter, Facebook, newsletter
- ABC1 women, 16-35
- weekly newsletter or breaking new alerts
- 11th in all magazine sales in the UK, women it 4th
- £1.65 an issue
- 500,000 a week circulation
- cover-star
- updates recent popular TV programmes
- weekly circulation of 539,991
- relationships. celebrities, gossip, beauty and health
- 15-34 year old women
- two cover stars- well known celebrities
- main story's in a yellow box
- house style- yellow, pink and white
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