Tuesday, 8 January 2013


In horror films the characters can vary. From props to people, all can be used to set an immense amount of tension. In films like "Chucky" a puppet is used to scare the audience and create tension.

Monday, 7 January 2013


Props that are you used in these horror films tend to me quite phallic. For example the props in hell raiser are nails inserted into the mans head. This is linked to costume but is still known as a prop. These are used very well to present quite a scary and gory effect.

A gun prop could possibly be used in a film opening to help the audience suggest what kind of weapons and methods of killing would be used. it can also show that death might occur in the film and also the attribute of evilness. This is the same case for a knife. You can buy either of these props for quite cheap if you fine them in the right places.
These props ten to harm others or maybe kill. Props are a massive contributing factor to setting the mood of the film. This is why it is ideal for us to select the correct props and use them in the right way.

The Hypodermic Needle Model

  • first attempt to explain how mass audiences might react to mass media
  • models suggest that audiences make no attempt to process the data/information on that they receive or go out to find information.
The Two Step Flow
  • The audience processes information more deeply as it is related to them through someone else that influences the taste in society at the same time.
Uses and Gratifications
  • looks at audience as individuals
  • we individually apply media tactics to target audiences.